Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Playing cupid

The Idea 

We have heard of triangular love stories, where the guy who intends to help his friend get a girl, finally gets the girl for himself. What if there is a guy who ends up being the complete opposite? 
This is a story about a guy who never tries to play cupid, and sometimes even has interest on the girl, ends up playing cupid.... again & again & again....

What Makes This Story ‘Real’

The story is a collage of events happened in my as well as a couple of friend's lives. And am sure there are a number of 'Soup' boys & girls out there who could relate the events in the story to their real life

Excerpts from the story

I never knew I was a match maker, in fact I never believed in the theory of 'one love'. But it so happened that each girl whom I move around with treat me only as 'friend' and the guys whom I buddy up generally end up being her life mate

Real love, they say, always starts with one wrong move at the right time
So axiomatically, when you make all the wrong moves all the times, doesn’t probability make sure that, at least one such move, lands up at the right time?

Incident 1:

My Gtalk caption reads: Real love, they say, always starts with one wrong moove at the right time

She: If it’s true, then you have made all the wrong mooves …

Me: Thanks. Have corrected the spelling for ‘moves’

She: (signed off)

Incident 2:

Gilli: I think I love her

Me: Who?

Gilli: (he signaled at her)

Me: So???

Gilli: Can I get an intro?

Me: … Sure

Wrong move, esp. when you know that the guy’s dad is filthy rich and he doesn't care to flaunt it...

This is my entry for the 
HarperCollins–IndiBlogger Get Published contest, which is run with inputs fromYashodhara Lal and HarperCollins India


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